The New Olympian Agora

The unofficial 'Class of the Titans' fansite's newsblog for keeping fans up-to-date on information about the show. No affiliation with Studio B Productions, Nelvana, and Teletoon. Please e-mail any interesting news to Thank you.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Production on Season Two Has Begun. Official Blog Coming Soon Too.

According to 'Class of the Titans' director Brad Goodchild, the show's crew has finally come back together to begin working on episodes for Season Two, as per timelines reported earlier here. There's also more information about what's currently going-on at Brad's Corner (or go here to read the update directly), which will also be featuring weekly updates about production as it continues.

Both links above contain all the information you need to know right now, but here's also a summary in one place (which we won't do most of the time if all the information can be found in one link):

  • The first voice recording session will be held next week. The first shipment going out to the Phillipines (where parts of the show are also produced) will be sent out in late autumn this year, and pencil test footage will be out sixteen weeks following that. The last episode probably won't be delivered until December 2007.

  • Don't hold your breath for any previews or sneak peeks in the manner of video clips before the second season officially airs. However, Mr. Goodchild may be able to show some pre-designs for the duration.

  • In-line with how the later episodes of Season One improved over their earlier counterparts, Season Two will also have a slightly differently look to it. What that will be exactly remains a mystery.

  • As with Season One, Season Two will also feature twenty-six episodes. No official word yet on whether any of them will make-up a multi-part story like 'Chaos 101' did.

Again, it's best to check-out the original links themselves for information straight from the source.

Also, as reported earlier, Studio B Productions is also working on their own official 'Class of the Titans' blog, which is currently being finished. Keep an eye out at the forum and the studio's website for the official announcement.


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