The New 'Q&A with Director Brad Goodchild' System.
A week ago, we made a call out to 'Class of the Titans' fans to submit submit questions about the show for director Brad Goodchild to answer. While the first list has already been compiled and will be sent-out on tomorrow (Monday), we are always accepting more questions! Please refer to the linked entry for more information about the process, as well as the original topic at the forum for more in-depth rules and examples.
This entry will also explain how the new question and answer system will work. Originally, questions would be posted two at a time at the aforementioned forum topic every week or so, with Mr. Goodchild's answers following-up on them a few days later at the most.
Due to some recent changes and the fact that other cast and/or crew members can sometimes give better answers, what will now happen is that we will submit a filtered and edited list of fan-questions to him. When we get the answers back, we will post the questions and answers one at a time here on the newsblog. They will also be eventually documented on the FAQ and the upcoming fansite this newsblog is supposed to be part of.
To kick-start things, and because the show has recently acquired many new fans, we will re-post the first four questions and answers over the period of today and tomorrow, with one Q&A per entry and only slight technical edits. For the record though, all four are also still available to read in the original forum topic, and the first two are also on the FAQ.
Thanks, and enjoy the great insight you'll get on the show!
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