The New Olympian Agora

The unofficial 'Class of the Titans' fansite's newsblog for keeping fans up-to-date on information about the show. No affiliation with Studio B Productions, Nelvana, and Teletoon. Please e-mail any interesting news to Thank you.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

'Brad's Corner' Featured in Studio B's 'Toon Times' Summer 2006 Edition.

Studio B Productions has recently updated their website with a slew of new press releases from late May to early July, including the latest issue of 'Toon Times' for Summer 2006.

The publication includes lots of interesting news about what's been going on with the studio and its various projects over the summer, and 'Class of the Titans' itself gets two mentions -- once under the article 'Studio B Goes Digital', and again under a small feature titled 'Bloggin'', which is about director Brad Goodchild's ever-popular blog for the show.

To read the Summer 2006 edition of 'Toon Times', go to Studio B's website, then select 'what's new' from the sidebar, followed by 'STUDIO B's Toon Times' and finally 'July, 2006'.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god
i love class of the titans
ALL the people i know tell me to send in my art because i am one of the best artists in my school and im in 8th grade (my school goes up to 12th). I do the art in the school newspaper and I my dream is to work at Studio B Productions!that

Titans_1_fan... (thats me!)

11/11/2008 4:58 p.m.  

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