The New Olympian Agora

The unofficial 'Class of the Titans' fansite's newsblog for keeping fans up-to-date on information about the show. No affiliation with Studio B Productions, Nelvana, and Teletoon. Please e-mail any interesting news to Thank you.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

'Episode 1.18: Bows and Eros' Summary Courtesy of an Australian Fan.

As reported earlier, Episode 1.18: Bows and Eros, the 'Class of the Titans' Valentine's Day special, aired today in Australia on ABC TV. As with Episode 1.08: See You at the Crossroads last time, SilverDragon from the Australian forum has very generously written-up a very detailed summary of the episode, also including some choice quotes at the end.

To view the summary, please go here. Note that there are many spoilers for the episode, so if you're a Canadian fan who wants to be surprised in February 2007, don't go there. If you get the chance, be sure to leave a note of thanks or something along those lines.

Also, for long-time readers of director Brad Goodchild's blog, the identities of the two mystery figures in one of the teaser screencaps posted in April 2006 (and has since been removed) is finally revealed. So enjoy that extra bit of visual knowledge if you've got it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The summaries are awesome

9/09/2006 11:32 a.m.  

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