SITE: Huge Season Two News Summary Update.
After exactly one entire month of no updates, we've finally got around to updating the Season Two news summary with all of the latest 'Class of the Titans' second season news between January 16, 2007 to February 16, 2007 (as of around 3:00PM ET/PT, at least). As usual, new additions are written in a bright blue font. Please let us know if we missed anything or made any mistakes.
We're also trying to reform the summary to make it more user-friendly and easier to read. At the moment, we've split the original Characters, Creatures, and Locations section into three parts -- Characters and Creatures, Technology and Vehicles, and Locations -- so that it's less overwhelming to sort through. We're very interested in feedback for other ways to improve it, since it's still very clunky right now.
Finally, some people have been wondering when the main Age of Silicon fansite and information resource will be launched. At present, I'm still waiting to hear back from Studio B Productions about some further possible legal issues, and there's really no rush for in the information at the moment -- it will come when it does, and that's fine by me. So please be patient. Thank you.
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