Calling All 'Class of the Titans' Fans -- Especially International Ones!
Ever wanted to give back to Studio B Productions and the creative team behind 'Class of the Titans' to thank them for such an awesome show? Now's your chance!
According to director Brad Goodchild, the studio is looking for fans of the show to submit short (ie. two or three lines) reviews of the show. Slightly longer reviews are all right as well, though know that they may have to be edited for length. These will eventually be used for a promotional package for the studio to use in pitching the show to distributors around the world. Right now, they are especially focused on getting the show aired in the US.
Since one of the main purposes of including fan reviews is to show that 'Class of the Titans' appeals to a wide audience, reviews from international fans (ie. Australia, Singapore, Central America, etc.) are especially welcome, in addition to ones from Canadian fans.
If you would like more information about helping with this endeavour, please see this topic for more information from director Brad Goodchild himself. Basically, if you do send-in a review, it goes to Cassandra Evans, who handles Studio B's marketing, at with Titans Review as the subject header. And tell her director Brad Goodchild sent you.
If you have any questions, please leave them here. If you don't have a account, e-mail me at and I will forward your inquiry. Thanks!
EDIT (6:25PM): Important additional note -- when submitting your fan reviews, please sign the review with your real name, age, and country. Thanks.
Also, tell your friends to submit reviews to by linking them to either this entry or the director's original call for them.
EDIT (11:15PM): 4evayoung recently got a confirmation e-mail back from Cassandra Evans asking for permission to use her first name, age, and country for the aforemention promotional material. Thanks for the heads-up!
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