Background Lineart of Ancient Locations at 'Brad's Corner'.
As with the Monday postings for the last few weeks, director Brad Goodchild has posted more black-and-white background lineart on his blog. This week, the artwork is for the various ancient and/or Greek locations from the show, including Arachne's home, the heavenly realm of the griffins, the Temple of Prometheus in Russia's Caucasian Mountains, Aeolus' palace, a Greek temple, Echo's domain and mountain range, an ancient workshop, Troy, and various Underworld hotspots (ie. the Plains of Asphodel, Hall of Judgement, and Tartarus Prison).
You can probably recognize each location from its respective appearance on the show, but if not, the filenames will describe the images. As always, if you like what you see, please leave an intelligent comment at the latest entry.
Wednesday's director's blog update will be a surprise, and here at the newsblog, we will resume our 'Q&A with Director Brad Goodchild' feature tomorrow, spotlighting various fan-questions about the show and their answers.
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