The 'Class of the Titans' Blog Community Continues to Grow and Flourish.
For the last few months, 'Class of the Titans' fans have had the pleasure of being able to read blogs run by several key crew members of the show. You're probably all very familiar with director Brad Goodchild's blog, as well as character designer Jeremy Tin's blog. Recently, composer Michael Richard Plowman created a MySpace account for the show where he uploads music files for fans to listen to and download.
One of the more recent additions to the online 'Class of the Titans' blog family is the emergence of blogs run by the show's storyboard artists. Over the last two weeks, we've spotlighted storyboard artists Luisito Escauriaga and Lazarino Baarde here and here respectively when storyboards they've done for the show and posted on their blogs finally surfaced during our Google-crawls for news.
Today, Mr. Goodchild has posted a heads-up on his blog that Todd Demong, who worked as a storyboard artist on Season One and is now the storyboard supervisor for Season Two, has also started his own blog. Be sure to check that out regularly too.
In light of all of these exciting new additions, we have also re-formatted the newsblog's sidebar. We've now seperated crew blogs from fan-compiled information and have added links to all of the sites mentioned in this entry. Please note that we here on the newsblog are not responsible for anything posted in these off-site blogs.
If you think we've missed something, please drop us a line at Thank you.
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