The New Olympian Agora

The unofficial 'Class of the Titans' fansite's newsblog for keeping fans up-to-date on information about the show. No affiliation with Studio B Productions, Nelvana, and Teletoon. Please e-mail any interesting news to Thank you.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

'Class of the Titans' to Return to Australia's ABC TV in Mid-2007 with a New Series?

Based on our limited understanding of the air-times schedule for 'Class of the Titans' in Australia, the first season of the show was pulled from the air around the end of 2006 (please correct us if we're wrong) and there's currently no news from ABC TV as to when they will premiere Season Two in the country.

However, during one of our recent Google searches for news, we came across a section of ABC TV's RollerCoaster website for children called Elliot's Blah, in which one of the regular features is Answer My Question. In this feature, visitors can submit questions about the channel's programs and possibly have them answered on the site.

The 'recent' December 18, 2006 edition -- please note that by the time you read this, the link may be for a more recent version -- features the following question and answer that may be of interest to Australian 'Class of the Titans' fans:
From Edwina
Hello Elliot! Can you please tell me when "Class of the Titans" will be back? It's like the best show on Roller Coaster!

[Elliot's Answer]
It will be back on Roller Coaster in mid-2007 with a new series.

What does this mean exactly? From the sounds of it, it seems like Season Two of 'Class of the Titans' will premiere on Australia's ABC TV in mid-2007. HOWEVER, there are also potential problems with this news, as at present, it doesn't seem like Season Two, including the early episodes, will be completed by then.

That said, we are only speculating here -- we're not fully in the know about the show's production and distribution schedule -- so it's quite possible that Australian fans may get a pleasant surprise of a premiere that's earlier than the tentatively scheduled Canadian one in September 2007. Regardless, we'll try to keep you guys posted on it, and we'd definitely appreciate some reliable help from Australian fans too. Thanks!

EDIT (2:48PM): We've talked to 'Class of the Titans' director Brad Goodchild about this bit of news. He has the production schedule for Season Two and can inform us that ABC TV will NOT be showing new Season Two episodes this early. The reference on the website could possibly be to the return of Season One re-runs, but at this point in time, we only have confirmation that it will NOT be Season Two. Thanks!


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