The New Olympian Agora

The unofficial 'Class of the Titans' fansite's newsblog for keeping fans up-to-date on information about the show. No affiliation with Studio B Productions, Nelvana, and Teletoon. Please e-mail any interesting news to Thank you.

Monday, July 31, 2006

'Episode 1.21: Labour Day' Storyboard Found Online.

Today's online crawl for 'Class of the Titans' news yielded a rather interesting and unique find -- a blog that belongs to storyboard artist and illustrator Luisito Escauriaga (Louie on the blog) posted a storyboard from Episode 1.21: Labour Day a month ago on June 28, 2006. It is, more specifically, a storyboard for the scene between Herry and the Hydra of Lerna, with an appearance by Hercules at the very end.

To see the entry with the storyboard directly, please go here. You'll have to click on the thumbnail in order to see the full image and actually be able to see what's going-on.

EDIT (August 1; 1:09PM): We now have confirmation from director Brad Goodchild that the storyboard and the illustrator who posted it are legitimate, and we've edited this entry accordingly. Thanks!

'Class of the Titans' Receives Shaw Rocket Funding for Season Two.

This is probably old news by now, but it's certainly worth reporting on. If you're a fan, you've probably seen their logo flash by during the ending credits of the show -- the Shaw Rocket Fund is once again providing 'Class of the Titans' with funding, this time for its second season. You can view the show on its 2006 project list here. 'Class of the Titans' was previously provided with funding back in 2004 for its first season, and that listing can be viewed here.

What is the Shaw Rocket Fund exactly? You're probably better-off reading their own description, but the gist of it is that it's a private and non-profit organization that provides funding for Canadian television programming targeted at children and families.

The corporation also awards the prestigious Shaw Rocket Prize to the, quote, 'best independent Canadian children's television program' for its respective year. The winner for 2006 was 'Being Ian' which, like 'Class of the Titans', is also produced by Studio B Productions. Congratulations, Studio B and those involved with the projects!

'Q&A with Director Brad Goodchild' -- Round IV.

We continue and finish re-posting the first four fan-questions and the director's answers to them as promised in an announcement yesterday morning.

This fourth and final (for now) question was originally posted on the forum on June 17, 2006 and answered by director Brad Goodchild on June 27, 2006. You can read the relevant original posts here. The only changes made to the responses were to fix minor technical errors and remove time-relevant comments that no longer apply in the re-posts.

We also ask that you please do not re-post these questions and answers on your own personal website, unless you run the FAQ, director's blog, etc. Thank you.


Q: When coming up with the idea of New Olympia, was its design based off a real city like Athens, New York, or Vancouver, or was it just a random idea thrown together so that the gang would have somewhere to live?

A: As far as choosing New Olympia, we tossed around a lot of ideas about the name and location. The name had to be sounding Greek, to glue in the elements of our show. The location also had to be one of a moderate climate. We didn't want to animate snow (that's my feeling). Anyway, it also had to be could be in the United States or Canada. It's somewhere in the North American continent on the west's that for an answer?

When it comes to the creation of the series I have a bit of insight but otherwise I go ask the real creators of the show. I am basically responsible for the shaping of the show, style-wise and artistically.

'Q&A with Director Brad Goodchild' -- Round III.

We continue to re-post the first four fan-questions and the director's answers to them as promised in an announcement yesterday morning.

This third question was originally posted on the forum on June 17, 2006 and answered by director Brad Goodchild on June 27, 2006. You can read the relevant original posts here. The only changes made to the responses were to fix minor technical errors and remove time-relevant comments that no longer apply in the re-posts.

We also ask that you please do not re-post these questions and answers on your own personal website, unless you run the FAQ, director's blog, etc. Thank you.


Q: There's a huge selection of heroes in Greek mythology. When creating the main characters, how did you select which seven heroes to have the kids be descended from (particularly the choice of Narcissus)? And why seven, no more no less?

A: According to Michael Lahay, the story editor and co-creator of original idea, the characters were picked purely by demographics. Teletoon originally wanted 3 girls, but Studio B changed it to 2 girls. Neil was chosen as a hero basically because Chris Bartleman wanted him. That is, he really likes how deep Greek mythology is ingrained in our world, where names of things derive from. Example would be Hercules, herculean get the idea. So whenever theres a chance we like to show characters that the name is used to today. A bit of education thrown in there.

So basically Narcissus was chosen to have a bit of fun with. He's our version of Shaggy in 'Scooby Doo'.

The number of heroes just worked out to be 7...its lucky...its hard to animate with 7 characters, a big ensemble cast is always hard, but hey, I didn't pick them, I'm just the hired gun to direct the show and leave my mark on it. Only time will tell if we did a good job and kids are still watching the show 20 years from now.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

'Q&A with Director Brad Goodchild' -- Round II.

We continue to re-post the first four fan-questions and the director's answers to them as promised in an announcement this morning. Look-out for the next two sometime tomorrow (Monday).

This second question was originally posted on the forum on June 11, 2006 and answered by director Brad Goodchild on June 12, 2006. You can read the relevant original posts here. The only changes made to the responses were to fix minor technical errors and remove time-relevant comments that no longer apply in the re-posts.

We also ask that you please do not re-post these questions and answers on your own personal website, unless you run the FAQ, director's blog, etc. Thank you.


Q: Characters go through a lot of changes throughout production. For example, you previously mentioned that Odie was originally NOT African-Canadian, and that you made the change in order to have more diversity among the main heroes. What other major interesting changes did some of the other characters go through as they were being designed?

A: Before I was on board the project, the characters were all designed by Kenny Park. There are incarnations of his early designs around. Theresa wearing a cap and stuff like that. Also, different characteristics were developed. Herry was originally going to be a real germaphobe, he is still to a certain extent, but not really played out as much. Example is seen in 'See You at the Crossroads' when he says he hates zombies, you know, dead things, yew....

Neil was originally supposed to already live in New Olympia. He was supposed to be a rich kid. Born lucky and a model. We never really find out too much about the kids past as this might paint us into spots that we don't want to really explain. Logic plays havoc sometimes on plot lines in an action adventure series. We really went over the 'Chaos Trilogy' quite a bit to get a nice clean story and lost a few characters along the way.

Costume changes were also made at my decision. Odie and Herry had a design on their T-shirts...too hard to animate. Simpler is better.

The Gods were also designed to have some fun. I had a hand in designing quite a few. Mr. Suez is my best one I think. We didn't know what to do about Zeus. Since he is such a big persona in Greek mythology, he has to be there. In 'Chaos 101', we needed a way to get the kids into the school. I came up with the idea of a school janitor, named Mr. Suez (Zeus) backward. He leads the kids to the door where they figured out what to do with their pendants. It was fun and we now had a character that could walk the halls of the real school and no one knew who he really was until Show 26, 'Time after Time'.

The other gods were fun also as we tried to come up with designs people would not normally associate with the Greek Gods and Goddesses.

Heph was designed around my idea of what he would be if he was like Jesse James, the chopper dude. Hercules was designed as a God who let himself go to pot...he also originally was supposed to be covered in body hair...but we could not find a good way to show this, so hence the undershirt, and socks.

There are alot more stories. I could write more, but I think you get the drift of what goes on in the process.

'Q&A with Director Brad Goodchild' -- Round I.

To kick-off the new 'Q&A with Director Brad Goodchild' feature, we will be re-posting the first four questions and answers, as described in a previous announcement this morning.

This first question was originally posted on the forum on June 11, 2006 and answered by director Brad Goodchild on June 12, 2006. You can read the relevant original posts here. The only changes made to the responses were to fix minor technical errors.

We also ask that you please do not re-post these questions and answers on your own personal website, unless you run the FAQ, director's blog, etc. Thank you.


Q: What was the funniest thing and/or blooper that has happened while working on the show so far?

A: The funniest thing that I think that has happened so far is when we were recording the Walla Sessions for our characters. Each voice actor took turns in the recording booth and did a series of things that we need to insert into the show if they are missing or needed to add without bringing back the actors to record.

It was Doron Bell's turn, he does Odie. While waiting for the tech to get set up Doron went into an ad lib session, doing various voices, singing, rapping and just goofing off. We taped it. It was priceless. We actually tried using some of it but ended up cutting it out. Case in point was in the Sybaris episode when Odie is aiming his squirt gun at the vampire as it is about to attack Theresa. Odie is crouched behind the boulder and said, "What up, nephew?"

This is what caused the vampire to turn and laugh at Odie.

I know it doesn't sound funny, but if you heard it as Odie saying it with an attitude, it was really good, but we took it out as it wasn't in Odie's nature to say that.

The New 'Q&A with Director Brad Goodchild' System.

A week ago, we made a call out to 'Class of the Titans' fans to submit submit questions about the show for director Brad Goodchild to answer. While the first list has already been compiled and will be sent-out on tomorrow (Monday), we are always accepting more questions! Please refer to the linked entry for more information about the process, as well as the original topic at the forum for more in-depth rules and examples.

This entry will also explain how the new question and answer system will work. Originally, questions would be posted two at a time at the aforementioned forum topic every week or so, with Mr. Goodchild's answers following-up on them a few days later at the most.

Due to some recent changes and the fact that other cast and/or crew members can sometimes give better answers, what will now happen is that we will submit a filtered and edited list of fan-questions to him. When we get the answers back, we will post the questions and answers one at a time here on the newsblog. They will also be eventually documented on the FAQ and the upcoming fansite this newsblog is supposed to be part of.

To kick-start things, and because the show has recently acquired many new fans, we will re-post the first four questions and answers over the period of today and tomorrow, with one Q&A per entry and only slight technical edits. For the record though, all four are also still available to read in the original forum topic, and the first two are also on the FAQ.

Thanks, and enjoy the great insight you'll get on the show!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Screencap Fridays Debut With 'Episode 1.01: Chaos 101' at 'Brad's Corner'.

As mentioned yesterday along with some Rugby and Aussie Rules Football-based artwork of Odie, today's Friday update at director Brad Goodchild's blog includes over sixty screencaps from Episode 1.01: Chaos 101, the pilot episode of the 'Class of the Titans' series. While the screencaps themselves aren't exactly in the right order, the scenes from which they come from generally are, so you should be able to deduce what happens in the episode if you haven't seen it already.

This Friday update also marks the debut of a new posting schedule on the blog -- while the updates will still generally occur everyweek on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays, each day will be dedicated to a specific theme:
  • Mondays will feature surprise material (eg. the original series Bible).

  • Wednesdays will be dedicated to posting alternative costume models for the main seven heroes. Neil, Jay, Atlanta, and Archie have already been featured, with Theresa being next week's spotlighted character. That leaves Odie and Herry, and there's no word yet on what will happen when all the characters are finished.

  • Fridays will, for the next twenty-six weeks, be for episode screencaps. Each week will be dedicated entirely to one particular episode in the order they were aired in, with a wide selection of frames from throughout the episode. This also means that come the holiday episodes -- or at least for Episode 1.08: See You at the Crossroads -- fans in countries where they haven't aired yet will get some teaser shots.

You can tell the director what you think of this new Friday schedule by leaving a comment here. Please also remember that the screencaps are for personal viewing purposes only and they are not to be re-used in any other way, as outlined here. Thank you.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Archie's Alternate Costumes, More Rugby Artwork, and a Season Two Plot Teaser at 'Brad's Corner'.


There are at least four new things up at director Brad Goodchild's blog for the Wednesday update, so let's go through these in order.

First, as per usual, the Wednesday update includes a number of alternate costume models for one of the main seven heroes, with this week's spotlighted character being Archie. There are thirteen alternate costumes and poses posted for him, so check those out. Theresa will be featured next Wednesday.

Second, there's another picture from the Rugby and Aussie Rules Football series, this time of Theresa. It's also in full-colour like the Archie one was earlier this week.

Third, there's a bit of a plot teaser for Episode 2.05: Forget Me Not. You can read the teaser directly on the blog here, but for convenience's sake, it's also quoted below (again, do NOT read any further if you do not want to be spoiled!):

Its up to Neil to save his friends from Cronus as he is leading them to the Elysian Fields where they will "forget" who they are and what their purpose is of being together, forever!!!

Last, but not least, there's going to be a new posting schedule -- Fridays will now be dedicated to posting up to forty screencaps from each episode, going in order and starting with Episode 1.01: Chaos 101 this Friday.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

More Rugby Artwork and Season Two News at 'Brad's Corner'.


Although it's only Tuesday, director Brad Goodchild has a small update on his blog. On the artwork side of things, the first coloured image from his Rugby and Aussie Rules Football Series is up, this time with a great picture of Archie. The other characters will be coloured and posted in due time, so keep an eye out for those in the neat future.

On the Season Two side of things, another episode title has been revealed, along with a short description of its premise -- Episode 2.05: Forget Me Not will have a plot involving Neil and Charon, the ferryman of the Underworld who transports the souls of the dead across the River Acheron. As per the weekly recording schedule, the recording session will take place tomorrow (Wednesday) at the studio.

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Original 'Class of the Titans' Series Bible at 'Brad's Corner'!

This is the big one. As promised last week (NOTE: link is now inactive), 'Class of the Titans' director Brad Goodchild has posted (and is currently still in the process of) uploading pages from the original series Bible that was used to pitch the show on his blog.

The publication has a number of things that should satisfy fans, though please keep in mind that it seems to have been published before the show was completely finalized, so some things may be different from what you're familiar with, as you will notice right away. Including artwork -- some coloured, some black-and-white -- done by Season One lead character designer Kenny Park, there's also a considerable amount of information about the show itself and its characters. Ever wanted to know more about the backgrounds, personalities, home-provinces, ages, powers, etc. of the main seven heroes? It's all there!

But again, don't take our word for it. Go check it out for yourself! You won't be disappointed.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

EXCLUSIVE: Two Fans Report on Their Visit to Studio B Productions!

Ever wanted to know what the crew behind Studio B Productions -- the Canadian animation studio behind 'Class of the Titans' and other hit cartoons -- and the studio itself is like? Well, two very lucky Canadian fans got to find out for themselves!

Shizuka (tokyoJAL on and Kelsey Anne from Victoria, British Columbia visited the studio in Vancouver this past week and not only were they given a tour of the studio, but they also met such important figures as executive producer and studio founder Chris Bartleman (also the creator of the show) and 'Class of the Titans' director Brad Goodchild and Season 2 lead character designer Jeremy Tin.

But don't take our word for it -- read their own fantastic reports of the visit at their own blogs. Shizuka's can be found here and here and Kelsey Anne's is here. And yes, you may ask them questions about their visit, though please remember to be polite about it.

Many thanks again for permission to link to your blogs and reports!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Exclusive Mini-posters and Draft Character Images at 'Brad's Corner'.

Just like the teaser said, director Brad Goodchild's blog has been updated with several exclusive new items. First up is a set of character mini-posters, spread-out over three entries, that were reportedly ideas for a publicity giveaway -- in addition to posters for the main seven heroes, there are also ones for Zeus/Mr. Suez, Hera, Chiron, and Cronus. Some of the artwork may look familiar to you.

The second part of today's Friday update include pre-colour drawings of Theresa, Archie, and Odie in football (ie. soccer) and rugby uniforms as part of a treat for Australian fans. The other characters and colour will reportedly come next week, and there's also an additional tidbit of information about clean-up artist Johnny Beverage, for those of you who are interested in the process and crew behind the show.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Another Season 2 Episode Title and Character Revealed.


While many details about Season 2 episode titles and new characters and creatures are still being kept secret for now, director Brad Goodchild revealed another title and character today as part of the Friday update teaser on his blog. Check-it out for a heads-up on some fascinating exculsive material coming this week too.

So for you fans out there waiting for Season 2, know that Episode 2.04: Star Quality is going to be featuring Orion the Hunter as the episode's guest star (no pun intended). The episode's recording session was also completed today.

Ask a Question, Get an Answer -- A Call for More Fan Questions.

For those of you who may not follow the show's forum regularly, there's an on-going topic there where you can ask 'Class of the Titans' director Brad Goodchild questions about the show. If you go through it, you can read some previous examples of questions fans have asked and Mr. Goodchild's answers to them.

However, in some cases, other members of the creative team, such as creator and Studio B partner and founder Chris Bartleman, are better equipped to answer questions, so the format's going to change a bit -- in addition to the last two questions, we will compile a list of fan questions, pass them on to Mr. Goodchild, and he can ask the appropriate people for the answers to them.

So, if there's every anything you ever wanted to know about the show, animation process, etc., please take a look at the rules and e-mail us at with your questions. Please use common sense when writing-up your question -- remember that they're busy people, and they can't divulge too much information about Season 2 at this point.

Also, please check the show's unoffical FAQ first to see if your question has already been answered -- many people have been asking about DVDs and when Season 2 will air, and those have already been answered in the past.

Please note that even if you do follow all the guidelines, it's not a guarentee that your question will be included, or at least not for the next immediate round. Original questions may also be reworded to combine questions or make them clearer, but you will always be notified and asked first. Neither is meant to be personal, so please do not be offended.

If you've already submitted questions previously and either receieved a receipt about its acceptance or rejection or just sent it very recently, please be patient and refrain from re-submitting right away.

Thank you, and keep-up the great work in asking thoughtful and interesting questions.

Atlanta's Alternate Costumes at 'Brad's Corner'.

As mentioned on Monday, various alternate costume model sheets for Atlanta have now been posted to director Brad Goodchild's blog, for a total of thirteen designs.

Next week's spotlighted character will apparently be Archie.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Fifty-five Screencaps from 'Episode 1.15: The Odie-sey' at 'Brad's Corner'.

In what's probably the biggest update to date, 'Class of the Titans' director Brad Goodchild has uploaded an impressive fifty-five screencaps from Episode 1.15: The Odie-sey to his blog for this week's Monday posting blitz.

Instead of focusing on one particular character this time, there's a huge variety of different shots from the entire episode, so there should be something for everyone to enjoy.

EDIT (5:47PM): In addition to the screencaps, there's also a teaser for Wednesday's weekly update -- expect to see another round of alternate costume character sheets, this time for Atlanta. The schedule for these will be one character per week.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Alternate Costume Models for Jay at 'Brad's Corner'.

As with Neil several weeks earlier, director Brad Goodchild has posted the various alternate costume model sheets for Jay at his blog, as requested on the screencaps topic at the forum. There are also some costume sheets from Episode 1.08: See You at the Crossroads and Episode 1.18: Bows and Eros, for those of you who won't be seeing either episode for awhile.

Also, there won't be a Friday update this week, but material will resume being posted on Monday, as per the weekly shedule.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

'Episode 1.08: See You at the Crossroads' Screencaps and Pre-Colour Line Drawings at 'Brad's Corner'.

For 'Class of the Titans' fans interested in the animation process and Canadian fans who haven't viewed the holiday episodes yet, director Brad Goodchild has a special Wednesday blog update that should appeal to both groups and more.

Today's update consists of eighteen screencaps from the Hallowe'en special, Episode 1.08: See You at the Crossroads, as well as their corresponding pre-colour black-and-white original line drawings.

For those of you interested in the animation industry, there's also more information about the steps between the lineart and finished shots at this specific entry.

Monday, July 10, 2006

'The New Olympian Agora' is Now Syndicated on LiveJournal.

For 'Class of the Titans' fans who read this newsblog regularly for updates on the show and other related blogs, there's now a much easier way to keep track of new news without having to constantly check back here.

If you have a LiveJournal account -- and if not, it's very easy to create one -- the newsblog is now syndicated on LiveJournal as an RSS feed. That means you can now add the newsblog to your Friends List and track incoming news there. For a better explanation of the system, please read LJ FAQ #178, and for help on how to track the feed, please refer to LJ FAQ #137.

For more information, and to add the feed to your Friends List, please see the feed's profile here.

More Character Designs by Kenny Park at 'Brad's Corner'. And an IMPORTANT Copyright Reminder.

Instead of the usual screencap requests, this week's Monday update at director Brad Goodchild's blog consists of more original character design sketches done by Season One lead character designer Kenny Park, courtesy of Season Two lead character designer Jeremy Tin. Also at the blog is a bit more information from Mr. Goodchild himself about the process, as well as an explanation for why Mr. Park has been replaced by Mr. Tin for the second season of the show.

To view the entries with the artwork directly, please check-out here (Archie, Atlanta, Herry, Neil, and Jay) and here (Medusa, the Sphinx, the original design of Odie prior to Mr. Goodchild's re-working of the character, and Pan/Phil/DJ Panic).

On a more serious note, please note that Mr. Goodchild has re-posted a very important copyright notice at the blog, which can be read here. Please read it (or re-read it) and pay heed to it, both so that exclusive material can continue to be posted in the future, and just as a matter of respect. Such a notice has actually been posted before, but with the influx of new fans, it's understandable that some (or many) of you may have missed the previous memo.

Thank you.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Teaser for Next Week's Updates at 'Brad's Corner'.

With a whole slew of extra surprises popping-up over at director Brad Goodchild's blog this past week, what can fans expect to see this upcoming Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the very least?

First off, screencap requests will continue being fulfilled over the next few days, and yes, they will generally follow the order they've been posted in at the suggestions topic on the forum. So please be patient in waiting to see the material you asked for.

Like this past week, however, it seems like fans will also get a little something extra -- namely original animation drawings (prior to being fully-animated, coloured, etc.) from Episode 1.12: Prisoner Campe. They will be primarily of Campe, but there will be a few of Jay as well. And for those of you who like bloopers, Mr. Goodchild may also post some off-model shots in the future.

For the original announcement about next week's blog materials, please read this page of the requests topic.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Character Sketches by Todd Demong at 'Brad's Corner'.

As reported yesterday, director Brad Goodchild has a unique Friday update this week on his blog. This time, there are two entries' worth of character sketches of the main seven heroes and Cronus as done by the show's new storyboard supervisor, Todd Demong, who is apparently replacing Rob Boutilier, who had the same role on the first season.

Check-out the entries directly here (Archie, Atlanta, Herry, and Cronus) and here (Jay, Theresa, Neil, and Odie).

To give a bit more information on Todd Demong, as written by the director at both the blog and the forum, he's also a comic book artist who has, in the past, worked on a number of titles by Dark Horse Comics, namely 'Star Wars', 'Go Boy Seven', 'Hell', and '100 Girls', the last of which you can find more information about at Arcana Studio's website for it here.

In addition to his new responsibilities on Season Two of 'Class of the Titans' and his comic book work, Mr. Demong also worked on Season One of the show as a storyboard artist, as reported here, with Episode 1.03: Chaos 103, Episode 1.04: Man's Worst Enemy, Episode 1.14: Make-Up Exam, and Episode 1.23: Cronus' Flying Circus highlighted. So check-out those episodes again and see if, from viewing his sketches, you can see his influences.

We've been running some searches as well for more information about Mr. Demong and his work, though with the Internet malfunctioning selectively here, that could take us awhile. Please check back here in the future though if we do find more interesting information. Or, if you know of anything (eg. relevant links), please e-mail us at for more details. Thanks!

New Summer Schedule for 'Class of the Titans' on Canada's Teletoon. And New Content.

Summer's here, and has Teletoon and their main website ever got some big things going for 'Class of the Titans' this year. This entry will cover two major new happenings for the show in Canada and on the site, so please take the time to read through it all.

First off, 'Class of the Titans' will be following a new summer schedule. The show will still air at 7:00PM on weekends like before, in addition to 1:00PM on Saturdays only. As for the rest of the week, the show will also air weekdays at 10:00AM and 7:30PM. The new morning timeslot is part of Teletoon's Camp Teletoon summer special, which airs between 8:00AM and 11:00AM every weekday. Check the site's Camp Teletoon section for the full schedule.

Second, for those of you who loved the Teletoon Mayor Campaign several months ago (which Theresa won, by the way -- sorry about never reporting that) -- there's another new poll running on the site with a 'Class of the Titans' character running, though the only way to access it seems to be by refreshing the screen until it appears as a banner at the top (if you know of a better way, let us know!).

This time, it's called The Burn, which, from the description, seems to be all about movement and excercising. In addition to quizzes and facts, there's also a poll running where you vote for the cartoon character whose 'burn-style' you like best. There are four possible choices, and one of them is Atlanta from 'Class of the Titans'. You can also view a great video clip of her from Episode 1.01: Chaos 101 at the voting site.

Like with the mayor campaign, we ask that you please excercise integrity while voting. Remember, it's for fun and doens't matter in the long run, so play fair. Thanks.

EDIT (July 26; 9:21AM): LightningFlash informs us that you can also get to The Burn and the poll by clicking on 'Win' on the navigation bar at the top and then selecting the 'Burn' link. Thanks for the heads-up!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

More Never-Before-Seen Development Sketches at 'Brad's Corner'. And a Teaser for Friday.

Though it's only Thursday, director Brad Goodchild has another small update for today on his blog -- four early development sketches as done by Season One lead character designer Kenny Park. You've probably seen the one of Atlanta and Jay's early conceptual designs at Season Two lead character designer Jeremy Tin's blog, but the other three are new:

  • Atlanta, Jay, and Odie are ambushed by an early version of the show's harpy, which takes more after the their bird-like appearance in mythology than the final bat-like concept.

  • Herry and an early concept design of Odie before Mr. Goodchild changed him into an African-Canadian character for some diversity.

  • Aphrodite as a teacher. You can imagine how well that would go. Look for another mythological treat in that one as well.

For Fridays update, Mr. Goodchild gave a little teaser about uploading some sketches of Cronus and the main seven heroes by Season Two storyboard supervisor Todd Demong. Read the link itself for a little more information about Mr. Demong -- we'll elaborate more tomorrow as well -- and get hyped. How good will these exclusive sketches be? In the words of the director himself:
If these don't inspire you all to draw some Fan Art I don't know what will!

Be sure to leave some feedback on those when those go up. We're definitely very excited, and you should be too.

New Lead Character Designer Jeremy Tin on Blogger and Season Two.

'Class of the Titans' director Brad Goodchild's got a popular blog up-and-running, and it seems like more crew members are joining-in on the fun.

Jeremy Tin is the new lead character designer for the second season of the popular Canadian cartoon, after having previously worked alongside Shu Tsai as assistants for Kenny Park, whom you may recall from previous news items both here and at Brad's Corner was the lead character designer for the first season of 'Class of the Titans'.

The following is a bit about his previous job on the show, as well as his new responsibilities for Season Two in his (unedited) own words, quoted directly from an e-mail exchange:

We would take care of the episodic posing and costume changes, mouthcharts etc etc. Occasionally we would get to design brand new characters. This year i have the privledge of designing all new characters. I personally dont have any assistants this year but its given me the opportunity to take everything i learned from the 1st season and apply it this year. Lots of new characters and cool monsters and villans!!! I'm unsure what i can and cannot say about this season, but i know i can say "it'll rock!"

We're sure it will, Jeremy. Thanks for the extra insight into how things are done at the studio, as we're all looking forward to what Season Two has to offer.

That said, Mr. Tin also has his own very informative blog, as previously promoted by director Brad Goodchild himself. If you're interested in even more tidbits about Season Two, in addition to looking at more production artwork, it's one of the hot places to be right now.

So far, there's some artwork of the Seeper and a guard-creature, in addition to early concepts of Atlanta and Jay as designed by previous lead character designer Kenny Park. Be sure to check the blog regularly, though like with Brad's Corner, we'll also post notices about updates here.

Second Voice-Recording Session for Season Two.


As reported by director Brad Goodchild on his blog, the second voice recording session for Season Two of 'Class of the Titans' took place yesterday (July 5, 2006), exactly a week after the first recording session for Episode 2.01 (title still unknown at this point in time) on June 28, 2006. This particular session was for the second script, which seems to be going by the production code and episode title of Episode 2.02: Graes Anatomy.

If the Graeae of mythology don't sound familiar to you, you may want to read the Wikipedia article about them.

Be sure to continue reading the the director's blog every week for the weekly production updates in addition to the thrice-weekly screencap requests.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Special Production Material and New Screencaps Up at 'Brad's Corner'.

First off, I'm really sorry about the extra-long long weekend hiatus. I had more offline things to do than I'd anticipated, so a lot of this news that's going-up right now is probably kind of old by now. Nevertheless, please be patient as I catch-up with archiving/blogging and responding to e-mails and blog comments. Thanks.

That said, director Brad Goodchild's blog went through its regular Wednesday update today, with yet more screencap requests fulfilled. Check-out some great shots of all the characters from Episode 1.20: Many Happy Returns, Episode 1.23: Cronus' Flying Circus, and Episode 1.24: Sybaris Fountain.

Also, as a bit of an extra special, there was some additional exclusive material posted on Tuesday. Check-out a never-before-seen promotional poster designed and partially coloured by Season One lead character designer Kenny Park some storyboard panels from Episode 1.26: Time After Time by storyboard artist Craig Wilson, here and here respectively if you'd like to go to the blog entries directly.